
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Remote Alaskan mountain with snow in foreground


主要研究 engineering professor Majid Ghayoomi
Majid Ghayoomi, 土木与环境工程副教授,国家科学基金首席研究员.

阿拉斯加和北极的许多其他地区每年都会经历数千次不同震级的地震, putting infrastructure and residents in the region at risk. 作为美国国家科学基金会300万美元合作基金的一部分, 主要研究 scientists were awarded more than $1.北极地区的变暖速度是其他地区的四倍,气候变化如何影响地震事件对该地区基础设施的负面影响,以及它如何影响地震相关灾害的准备和响应.

“虽然全国各地都有地震活动和地震威胁, the accelerated warming in the Arctic, 以及该地区的偏远以及当地和土著社区的独特文化, can pose distinct challenges,” Majid Ghayoomi土木与环境工程副教授、首席研究员. “我们的目标是采取全面的方法,帮助社区为这种不断变化的环境做好准备.”

The research project, part of the NSF’s 在新北极航行 倡议, will involve cross-disciplinary research teams from five universities; 11 Alaskan, national and international partners; and five native communities that will investigate the potential impact of earthquakes on local communities, 阿拉斯加州, and other Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. 他们将共同评估地震对自然环境和已建成基础设施的风险, as well as to social systems and policies.

“这个项目有可能改变和刺激研究,从而在基础科学和工程领域取得突破, informed by the community and Indigenous people, 解决和改善新北极面临的与地震有关的障碍.”

The project will focus on seismic activity, under climate-driven changes of the Arctic, 通过对关键基础设施(如重要桥梁和航运港口)进行监测和建模,模拟和评估永久冻土融化和季节性冻融循环对土壤的影响, buildings and foundations to prevent significant damage. 该小组将与铜河谷地区的社区合作,制定他们的气候适应计划.

研究ers will engage with the community — conducting interviews, 调查和讲习班——帮助确定并向他们提供必要的培训和工具,以管理未来与地震有关的灾害,包括规划, 准备, mitigation and recovery skills and plans. 外展和教育将通过为土著青年建立青年训练营和阀杆研究经验等学习机会,帮助后代做好准备.

“这个项目有可能改变和刺激研究,从而在基础科学和工程领域取得突破, informed by the community and Indigenous people, 以解决和改善新北极和其他可能的寒冷地区环境面临的与地震有关的障碍,加尤米说.

Other team members from 主要研究 are 凯瑟琳Duderstadt, research scientist and co-principal investigator; Yashar Eftekhar Azam, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering; 范汉, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering; and 劳伦斯•汉密尔顿社会学教授.

Collaborative institutions include the University of Georgia, Pennsylvania State University, University of Alaska Fairbanks and the University of Virginia.


布鲁克斯帕耶特 | 工程学院 and 物理科学